Every business needs a website to stay competitive in this digital age.
A website is your business's digital storefront and the first thing a prospective client will see. The crew here at Metro-Data has developed sites as simple as static informational web pages to 100% custom coded web sites tailored to the needs of the client. Most businesses fall somewhere in between those two extremes, and the majority of the websites we do are created in Content Management Systems (CMS).
Alright, so you have a web site that you want people to visit... now what? Your site has to be running on a server so that people can connect to it and view it. Metro Data offers many server solutions to serve your web site to your clients.
We offer both Windows and Linux servers and offer virtualized, shared, and dedicated options when it comes to how your server is run. In short, regardless of what your web site is written in, we can find a way to run it.
All of our servers are backed up nightly with the option to also have your data backed up remotely. Each server has redundant power supplies each leading to a different backup battery. Each server has multiple hard drives to protect against failure. In the event that any one part dies, there is a backup ready to kick in at a moment's notice so that there is no service interruption.
The best part is: we take care of all the server maintenance and repair behind the scenes so you never have to worry about it.
When designing a web site, we give each website its own custom look and feel so truly no two web sites are alike. But that doesn't mean that certain elements can't be borrowed from other sites. During the design phase, it is common for clients to pull up a competitor's web site and say, "I like this layout" or "I like the how the pictures fade in and out here".
We take those ideas and make them a reality; all the while keeping an open dialog with our clients about what they like and what still needs to be changed. All of our websites in development can be viewed and updated before they ever go "live". That way you can be sure that the website will look exactly as you want it to before any client ever sets eyes on it.
Needs and requirements vary from site to site. Whether you just need a simple informational site, a shopping cart, or a custom built site call Metro-Data at 410-667-3600 and schedule a free consultation with our designers.
What is a Content Management System (CMS)?
The power of a CMS is that it puts the power in your hands to update and maintain your own web site. A CMS allows the site owner to create pages via a simple What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor. This editor looks almost identical to Microsoft Word and if you can create a document in Word then you can update your own website. In fact you can even cut and paste between the two and the editor will preserve your formatting.

For more information, call: 410-667-3600